Process Template Design

A process template is the blueprint of how a business process gets done in your organization. Users in your organization can use process templates (usually designed by people with Administrative privileges) to start new process instances.

Users with Administrative privileges can create and manage Process Templates by selecting Process Templates menu option in Administration menu dropdown as shown below. You will see the list of existing process templates as shown below.


Creating a New Process Template

Administrators can create new process templates by selecting “New” button as shown below the list of process templates


The next step is to define the various aspects of process template. You can review this tutorial to look at the step-by-step details




Process Object

Key to business workflow is data related to the workflow. For example, if you are designing a workflow for new customer onboarding the information related to the new customer is important and will be used for data collection/enrichment, review, approvals, workflow rules and integration to external systems. The data related to the workflow in ZFlow is designed as Process Object using the MetaData Editor.


Process Roles

The next step is to define the process roles. Process roles are used to define which workflow activities are performed which process role. It is a better and more flexible approach than configuring specific users to perform workflow activities.


You can follow the steps shown below to create a new role for the process template


Process Members

Once process roles are defined you can assign the roles to specific users within the organization using members to the process.


The video below shows how you can add a member to the process template and assign a process role.

Workflow Activities

You can now add Workflow Activities to define the type of workflow activities and the path of the workflow when a process instance is created using the template.


You can see the possible workflow paths in the picture below


We will cover workflow activity creation, edits and workflow management in detail as part of anatomy of a workflow activity.

Making Process Template Effective

Once the process  template is designed and ready to be used it needs to be made effective so that people in your organization or the supply chain can use the template. You can see how it is done in the video below.